"Life at Tomoe Gakuen: The Story of Totto-Chan" is a memorable film adapted from Tetsuko Kuroyanagi's autobiographical novel. The main character, Totto-Chan, is an unusual girl who doesn't fit traditional education methods. After being expelled from elementary school, her mother sends her to Tomoe Gakuen, an experimental school where old railway carriages are used as classrooms. The school's principal and founder, Sōsaku Kobayashi, highly values children's independence and freedom of expression. Despite the hardships brought by World War II, the school provides a haven full of hope for the children and offers Totto-Chan an educational experience that deeply affects her life.
The film activates the imagination of both children and adults and invites the audience to discover the children's own freedom and creativity. This occasionally emotional, sometimes fun story reminds viewers that life's small experiences are more valuable than big lessons.
The film was shot in Tokyo, Japan.