Fasting, A Research On a Phenomenon
Fasting, A Research On a Phenomenon, is a documentary focusing on our dietary habits and health. The film argues that the controlled rejection of food, in contrast to our current abundant and constant food consumption, could be a key factor for health. This thesis is based on the irregular eating habits of our hunter-gatherer ancestors and the idea that we are programmed to fast during the evolutionary process. In recent years, research on this topic has been conducted in many branches of science, from rheumatology to oncology. The film also presents how the practice of intermittent fasting has become a phenomenon in society and its positive effects on health. The documentary notes that while fasting is medically accepted in Germany for the treatment of certain chronic diseases and is cost-effective, it is still viewed with skepticism in the French medical world.
Viewer experiences have generally been positive. They have indicated that it helped them understand the benefits and potential of fasting.
The documentary was filmed in France and Germany.