Four Stories About Love

Four different love stories inspired by news broadcasts of the late 60s.

"Four Stories About Love" narrates four different love stories inspired by the news broadcasts of the late 1960s. Each story begins with an epigraph taken from the Song of Songs of the Old Testament. The stories are interconnected through documentary-style footage and interviews where random people on the street are asked, "What is love?". The stories are adaptations of the works of Ion Drutse, Avenir Zak, Isaiah Kuznetsov, Yuri Kazakov, and V. Sapozhnikov.

The film shows its audience what love means, different people's thoughts on the matter, and how love affects their lives. These four stories reveal the universality of love and how it touches different people in different ways. Viewers get the chance to familiarize themselves with the unique features and characters of each story.

The film prompts the viewer to question their own thoughts on love and reconsider what love means to them.

The film was likely shot in Russia in the late 1960s.