Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Young Furiosa is kidnapped from the Green Land and falls into the hands of the Biker Gang led by Dementus, and she tries to find her way back home.

The film, set in a post-apocalyptic world, tells the story of young Furiosa being kidnapped from the Green Land and falling into the hands of the Biker Gang led by Dementus. Furiosa witnesses a power struggle between two dictators as she arrives at the Fortress under the leadership of Immortal Joe. Furiosa has a series of challenges to solve and hardships to overcome in order to find her way back home. The film narrates Furiosa's struggle for survival and her tough battle to reach her goal. The movie, focusing on the challenges Furiosa faces and her fights against her enemies, manages to attract the viewers' attention. Looking at viewer experiences, Furiosa's character depth and action scenes receive praise, while it is seen that more detail is wanted at some points in the story. The film is generally shot in Australia.