Les Fantômes
"Ghosts" tells the story of Hamid, who is part of a clandestine group hunting down criminals of the Syrian regime. Hamid risks his life to take revenge on the tortures he experienced in the past and to ensure justice. He goes to Europe, following his former torturer and criminal leaders. This journey extends to the picturesque city of Strasbourg in France. As Hamid is forced to confront the ghosts of his past, the audience is taken on this intricate and emotional journey with him.
The film presents a story that captivates the audience's interest, inspired by real events. Hamid's brave and determined character creates a hero that the audience can empathize with and admire.
The film offers the audience a thoughtful perspective on history and the quest for justice. At the same time, Hamid's personal experiences and emotional story allow the audience to emotionally connect. The locations where the film is shot, with the beautiful landscapes and historical sites of France, appeal to the aesthetic taste of the audience.