
A four-year documentary telling the story of three young girls in Berlin stepping into hiphop culture and forming their own rap group.

The Sisterqueens documentary tells the story of three young girls, Jamila, Rachel, and Faseeha, who took their first steps into hiphop culture in Berlin and formed their own rap group. The documentary follows the lives of these young girls for four years, their family lives, their relationships with their siblings, and the hiphop families they have chosen. During this process, the girls learn a lot about both rap and self-respect. They reflect their own women's stories, their struggles with social injustices and their own identities, their views on the police, and their relationships with art into their raps. Their passion for hiphop culture and their ability to express themselves through rap music attract the attention of the viewers. The documentary also reveals the young girls' feminist perspectives and their awareness of women's rights.

Where it was shot: Berlin, Germany