The Last Stops of the Soul


The journey of the soul after it leaves the body and the philosophy that death is not an end but perhaps a comma.

The Last Stops of the Soul

The article titled "The Last Stops of the Soul" addresses a question that people ask throughout their lives: "Where does the soul go after it leaves the body?" Although this question receives different answers within the framework of religion and philosophy, it is fundamentally a subject that every person questions. The article expresses that human life, like a matchstick, illuminates the beauties and ugliness of life intensely and without hesitation. In this story told from the perspective of a man working in a gas station, the man's thought, "The more funerals I organize, the more I think that death is not a period but perhaps a comma." leads the reader to question his own perception of death. The article manages to make the reader think by addressing the issues of death and the soul in a philosophical way.

The film offers a philosophical perspective that allows the viewer to think about death. Viewers begin to question whether death is the end, where the soul goes after leaving the body, and the balance between the beauties and ugliness of life. This experience can change the viewer's perspective on life and death.

The film was shot in many different locations due to its subject matter. However, the scenes in the gas station are especially striking.