The Sound of the Sea


A love story she crafted in her dream world with a young man she saw and was hypnotized by in a restaurant.

"The Sound of the Sea" tells the story of a young girl who suddenly falls in love with a mysterious young man she encounters at a restaurant. Everything starts when the young girl sees this young man sitting across from her at an American-style restaurant. The man's charm and charisma deeply affect the young girl and she begins to dream of building a life with him. The story oscillates between the girl's obsessive thoughts and dreams. With the man humming a song she does not know, the girl's dreams become even more vivid.

The film narrates this sudden love and dreams of the young girl in a way that deeply affects the viewer. In addition, the blurring of the line between the young girl's dreams and reality is another element that draws the viewer into the story.

The filming location is a restaurant in America. However, the story offers much more in the dream world of the young girl.

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