Mobutu's Game
"Mobutu's Game" is a political thriller movie that narrates the life and government of Mobutu Sese Seko, a powerful dictator in 1970's Africa. At the heart of the film is Mobutu's manipulative and despotic style of governance, and it also presents the people's resistance against this oppressive government. Among the film's striking characters are the brave journalist Tshombe, a staunch opponent of Mobutu, and Bokassa, Mobutu's closest advisor and friend.
The film has viewers witness Mobutu's ruthlessness, his people's helplessness, and Tshombe's efforts to resist. Mobutu's Game leaves a strong impact on viewers and reveals the true face of dictatorship in Africa.
The film was shot in various regions of Congo during Mobutu's era, including the capital, Kinshasa, and Lubumbashi, filled with natural beauty.