Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (2025)

The story of Peter Parker's transformation from an ordinary teenager to the legendary hero Spider-Man in the Marvel Universe.

Peter Parker is an ordinary high school student whose life completely changes after being bitten by a spider at a science fair. With the bite of the spider, Parker gains incredible powers and spider-like abilities. However, he quickly realizes how these powers complicate his life. As we watch his transformation process and how he evolves into a hero, we also see his relationships with other people in his life and how he protects them.

This film tells the audience about Peter's growth and maturation process, as well as the responsibilities and difficulties that come with being Spider-Man. Additionally, the film's connections with other heroes in the Marvel Universe and their impacts on the overall story also attract the audience's interest.

The film was shot in New York City, and the dynamic atmosphere of this city makes the film even more appealing.