Two Lives for Algeria


Gilberte and William Sportisse, over 70 years old, are a couple who never lost their faith and love for humanity, despite being threatened and forced to leave Algeria by the FIS.

"Two Lives for Algeria" tells the story of Gilberte and William Sportisse, who fought side by side during Algeria's war of independence and faced many difficulties due to their beliefs and love for humanity. This film, which will touch the hearts of its viewers, tells the story of the Jewish couple who enjoy talking about the participation of Jews in Algeria in World War II and Algeria's struggle for independence. They also share unknown information about the public and secret struggles of the Algerian Communist Party before and after independence. The couple were among the activists who were tortured and imprisoned after Boumédiène came to power. The film is a tribute to the understanding of people of different origins or cultures and a tribute to a couple who still inspire admiration with their young spirits and enthusiasm.

Audience experiences mostly underline the couple's incredible strength and resilience. The film offers a valuable insight into Algeria's complex history and how different ethnic and religious groups coexist.

The film was shot in Algeria and France.