大人の見る繪本 生れてはみたけれど
"Through Adults' Eyes: Beyond Being Born" tells the story of the Yoshi family, who moved to the suburbs of Tokyo to start a new life. While father Mr. Yoshi tries to establish a good relationship with his new boss, Mr. Iwasaki, brothers Ryoichi and Keiji have to defend themselves against the local child gang. The film humorously and touchingly narrates the children's efforts to adapt to their new environment and their father's challenges at work. As viewers watch the film, observing the complexity and contradictions of adults against the purity and innocence of children provides both a fun and thought-provoking experience. The film is one of the first masterpieces of Japanese director Yasujiro Ozu and is one of the last examples of silent cinema.
Where It Was Filmed: The film was shot in the Azabu suburb of Tokyo, Japan.
Platform Released: The film has generally been released in cinemas. It can also be watched on some digital platforms today.