Den grænseløse

Tasked with solving a mysterious murder case following the suicide of an old colleague.

Unlimited offers the audience a captivating detective story. The film starts with a timid decision; Detective Carl Mørck sends his young assistant Rose to the desolate island of Bornholm in Denmark in response to the persistent requests of his former colleague Christian Habersaat. However, at the forced retirement ceremony, Christian commits suicide, dragging Rose on a journey towards her own traumatic past. Later, Mørck and his team get involved in the old and unsolved murder case of a girl found hanged in a tree. The film tells not only the effort to solve a murder case but also the personal stories of the characters and how they face their past. According to viewer reviews, the film successfully blends elements of suspense and mystery, maintaining the element of curiosity until the end.

Where it was filmed: The film was shot on the island of Bornholm in Denmark.