Heureux Gagnants

A film that tells the story of four different individuals whose lives change with lottery winnings.

"Happy Winners" intertwines four separate stories that show how winning the lottery can have profound effects on their lives. In the film, we watch the stories of four different people who win the lottery; a family man, a young single woman, a terrorist, and an elderly man on his deathbed. We witness how winning the lottery turns their lives into a nightmare.

Father Paul, while on vacation with his family, learns that his last lottery ticket won him five million Euros and has to cut his vacation short to pursue the money. The single woman, Julie, wins ten million Euros, but this immediately makes her more attractive to others. Terrorist Ahmed, wishes he had never won the money, while the elderly man on his deathbed struggles to cope with his newfound wealth.

The film shows viewers how sudden great wealth can turn their lives upside down and can have unexpected results. The experiences of each character vividly present the unexpected twists and turns of life and the complications wealth can bring.

The film does not appear to have been filmed in a specific location but takes place in various places.