Le Dernier Jaguar

A story about a young girl raised in the Amazon jungle embarking on a dangerous journey to save her pet jaguar.

The Last Jaguar tells the story of Autumn, a young girl raised in the Amazon jungle. After the tragic death of her mother, Autumn is forced to leave the Amazon and move to New York. However, her best friend and pet jaguar, Hope, is left alone in the jungle. As Autumn tries to live in New York, she constantly dreams of returning to Hope and the Amazon jungles. One day, she learns that Hope's life is in danger and there are rare animal hunters in the Amazon. This situation forces Autumn to return to the Amazon in a desperate situation to save Hope. The film presents the viewers with this dangerous and exciting journey of Autumn.

The film shows the viewers the courage, determination, and passion of Autumn in preserving the wild nature. It also aims to raise awareness about preserving wildlife and the environment.

The Last Jaguar is generally filmed in the Amazon jungle.