Not Full of Diamonds

An ordinary man named Semen inadvertently becomes the target of smugglers and finds himself in the world of espionage.

"Not Full of Diamonds" is a film that tells the story of an ordinary economist named Semen, who unexpectedly enters the world of espionage as a result of a plan accidentally implemented by smugglers on him. The film begins during Semen's travel, when he stops in old Dubai and the smugglers apply a plaster cast to him. However, this plaster cast is unexpectedly filled with products such as new smartphones and Dyson brand hair dryers, smuggled into the country via 'parallel importation' instead of precious stones. While the smugglers try to remove the plaster cast from Semen under the instruction of a person known as 'The Chief', Semen suddenly finds himself as a real spy with the code name '007-Semenovich'. The film offers viewers a captivating story full of unexpected events and turns.

Audience experiences about the film are generally positive. The film is a production that not only entertains its viewers, but also makes them think and get away from their daily lives.

The film was shot in Old Dubai, known for its magnificent landscapes and historical texture.

The film was broadcast on TNT, a popular digital platform.