The Adventures of Jurassic Pet: Return to the Wild

The documentary film crew discovers a magical gate that opens to the realm of dinosaurs and captures a small dinosaur named Spike.

Jurassic Pet Adventures: Return to the Wild is an adventurous film where a documentary film crew discovers a magical gate that opens to the realm of dinosaurs and captures a small dinosaur named Spike in this extraordinary world. As the characters in the film explore the extraordinary world of dinosaurs, it grabs the attention of the viewers. The innocence and cuteness of the small dinosaur Spike will warm your heart while watching the film. Spike's journey back to the wild will lock the eyes of both children and adults on the screen. The film takes viewers on an unusual adventure and takes them to the world of dinosaurs. The film offers a visual feast to the viewers with its exotic locations where it was shot. The film was mostly shot in Cappadocia, and these magnificent natural beauties will enchant you while watching the film. The film was broadcasted on the Netflix platform.