Arcane is an impressive animated series set in the League of Legends universe, about the tensions between the science and progress city of Piltover and the chaotic underground Zaun. The story revolves around the talented fighter Vi and her sister Powder (Jinx), who draws attention with her scientific intelligence. While childhood traumas separate the two siblings, Hextech, Piltover's technological revolution, changes the balance of power between the cities.
While Vi pursues justice and revenge, Powder finds herself in the hands of a dangerous criminal organization and discovers her dark side. This story, adorned with themes of love, betrayal and the search for identity, offers viewers the opportunity to explore the inner world of the characters. Featured characters Jayce and Viktor face ethical dilemmas as they unlock the potential of Hextech technology. Silco, as the leader of Zaun, stirs up chaos while revealing the city’s dark side.
Each episode draws the viewer in visually and emotionally, and with its excellent animation style and meticulously crafted story, Arcane appeals not only to League of Legends fans, but to all animation enthusiasts.