Side Quest (2025)

Witness the lives of gamers, comic book store owners, touring orchestra musicians, and art department members in four separate stories in the Mythic Quest universe.

Side Quest

Side Quest: Mythic Quest presents us with different faces of the Mythic Quest universe through four separate stories. The first story tells the story of a group of gamers' efforts to find the community they are looking for, both in the game world and in real life. The second story is about the special bonds a comic book store owner establishes with his customers and the effects of these bonds on his personal life. The third story tells the story of a touring orchestra group on a journey where they learn to love each other as much as they love their music. The last story is about an art department member's search for how to reflect his success in his job in his love life. These four stories allow us to understand the Mythic Quest universe from a broader perspective, while the difficulties and successes experienced by the characters allow the audience to connect emotionally to the story.

The film has attracted great attention, especially among gamers and comic book fans. Viewers appreciated the realism of the stories and the depth of the characters.

The filming took place in a variety of locations, but is known to have been done in studios in Los Angeles.