The Man's Name: Ten


A young man with a mysterious past and an uncertain identity, Ten, finds himself in a ruthless desert, pursued by an unknown follower.

"The Man's Name: Ten" is a film that tells the story of a young man named Ten who is in his 20s. Unaware of his own past and origin, Ten realizes he is in a vast and barren desert. In this ruthless desert, he is being pursued by a mysterious man whose face he cannot remember. While Ten does not know how to deal with this ambiguous identity and complex situation, he slowly begins to discover his own identity and past. The film's viewers, while witnessing Ten's challenging journey, find the opportunity to use their free will to solve mysteries and decipher this puzzle with him. This film, with its impressive images of the desert landscapes where it was shot, attracts the attention of viewers, while also encouraging them to deeply connect with Ten's thoughts and emotions.

The film is mostly shot in desolate and enchanting desert landscapes. These vast and empty spaces exemplify the desperation and loneliness of Ten's situation.