
Goichi, a Buddhist novice, is sent to the Golden Pavilion in the Rokuon-ji Temple to overcome the psychological pressure following the collapse of his family.

"In the Flames" is an impressive adaptation of Yukio Mishima's novel "The Golden Pavilion". The story covers the life and experiences of Goichi, a young Buddhist novice. After the downfall of his family, Goichi is sent to the Golden Pavilion in the Rokuon-ji Temple to find inner peace and escape his psychological distress. However, the temple is far from being a refuge from the filth and lies of the outside world. Goichi discovers the hypocrisy and emptiness of the temple and decides to destroy his most beloved thing, the Golden Pavilion. The film dramatically and impressively addresses the path that led Goichi to this decision and its consequences. The film catches the audience's attention with its strong character development and storytelling, drawing viewers into Goichi's mental and emotional turmoil. The film's location, Kyoto, showcases the historical and cultural richness of Japan.