Hoshiar Singh


The story of a man challenging the education system and creating his own teaching approach.

Hoshiar Singh is an individual prevented from receiving a normal education. However, this does not hinder his goal of becoming a teacher. Although constantly faced with obstacles by the system, he remains undeterred and creates an innovative teaching approach. This approach and lifestyle carry the quality of a reform that will challenge the education system.

The film narrates Hoshiar Singh's educational struggle and the process of overcoming obstacles in a way that will attract the attention of viewers. The film allows the audience to experience and feel the impacts. Hoshiar Singh's prominent character and the story of the film enable the audience to empathize.

The film was shot in various regions of India. This film, which tells the life of Hoshiar Singh and his struggle with the education system, attracts the audience's attention and almost pulls them into the events.