I Want to Live

I Want to Live tells the story of a woman's life filled with pain and a mother's struggle for her children.

I Want to Live narrates the challenging life story of Sevgi Görmez, spanning from the 70s to the present day. The film includes all the difficulties of being a woman in a male-dominated society, starting from Sevgi's childhood years. Sevgi, whose life turned into hell because of a man, faces all kinds of difficulties for her children and clings tightly to life. The film gives viewers the opportunity to witness Sevgi's pains, her struggles, and her hopeful life.

The film was shot in various parts of Turkey. It reflects the atmosphere of the period to the viewer, especially with scenes set in Istanbul and various cities of Anatolia. The film is being broadcasted on the Netflix platform.

The film had a significant impact on the audience, and many people were affected by Sevgi's story. The film, which addresses the difficulties women face and gender inequality, deeply affected the viewers.