
Moonlight is a film that explores a young man's search for identity and confrontation with his sexual identity in a tough neighborhood in Miami.

Moonlight tells the life story of Chiron, a young black man, from childhood to adulthood. Growing up in a tough neighborhood in Miami, Chiron struggles to find his place in life while also confronting his sexual identity. The film focuses on three separate periods of Chiron's life: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. With a challenging relationship with his mother, Chiron also tries to cope with his school life and romantic relationships. During one period of his life, Chiron meets Juan, a drug dealer, and tries to find his direction through their relationship. Moonlight illuminates the hardships of life and the search for sexual identity while witnessing Chiron's life.

The film succeeded in winning the Oscar for Best Picture in 2017 and received positive reviews from critics. Audiences appreciated the film's realistic and impactful narrative, managing to empathize with Chiron's character and experiences.

Moonlight was filmed in various parts of Miami. The film realistically reflects neighborhood life and Miami's streets.