The Gentle Woman

The story tells about a married woman's connection with the kitchen, her husband's mysterious disappearance, and the events that follow.

"The Gentle Woman" film tells a dark story that progresses through the pains men inflict on a woman in her life. In the film, we watch a story based on a married woman's deep bond with the kitchen and her husband's mysterious disappearance. After the husband disappears, it is revealed that she has a relationship with a single client. The client begins to suspect her indifference to her husband's disappearance and decides to investigate the incident. While the authorities think that the husband ran away due to financial problems, the woman seems to know a deeper truth about her husband's real fate. In the woman's mind, men who inflict pain on women have no right to say goodbye. The film proceeds over this mysterious and dark story that attracts the audience's attention.

Experiences and impacts on the audience about the film generally focus on its dark and mysterious story, the complex psychological states of the characters, and its unexpected ending. The place where the film was shot is not known, but it is usually seen to take place indoors, especially during the times the woman spends in the kitchen.