"A young man is presented with the opportunity to choose between two cards in a strange dream. One card offers the ability to continue his normal life, the other offers the ability to read people's thoughts. The young man chooses the card to continue his normal life and wakes up. However, even though the dream seems to be over, he increasingly feels like he can hear people's thoughts. Did he choose the wrong card? Or was this just a dream? The film follows the young man's exploration and struggles with this new ability. Viewers overflow with excitement and curiosity as they watch the young man view the world around him from a new perspective and strive to understand people better.
The film had a great impact on viewers. It created an awareness of how complex and challenging the ability to read people's thoughts can be. Viewers shared the young man's dilemmas and his success.
The film was shot in a beautiful, quiet town to create a magical and mysterious atmosphere. The nature scenes offer a visual feast that you can't take your eyes off while watching the film.
The film was released on Netflix, a popular online platform."