در سرزمین برادر

The beginning of a new life in Iran for an Afghan family, under the shadow of America, and the challenges they face.

The story of an Afghan family starting a new life in Iran, "A New Beginning in Iran," unfolds under the shadow of America's occupation. Mohammad, a young student, Leila, a geographically isolated woman, and Qasem, who bears the burden of their family's sacrifice, do not know the ultimate price expected of them in this new and unwelcome environment.

Mohammad, a bright student and a young man with great hopes for the future, is struggling to understand this new environment and find his place. Leila feels alone and alien in her new home. Qasem, bearing the burden of their families' sacrifices, struggles with the barriers he encounters while trying to adapt to Iranian society.

The film effectively presents the experiences and conflicts of these characters. Their struggles to adapt to Iran, pushing the boundaries of family ties, and learning to live in an environment that requires personal sacrifices deeply affect the audience.

The film was shot in various regions of Iran, which added authenticity to the story.