Brian and Maggie's Last Dance (2025)


A dramatic narration of Thatcher's last television interview and the events that led to the end of her premiership.

Brian and Maggie's Last Dance

"Brian and Maggie's Last Dance" dramatically narrates the events and behind the scenes of the last television interview that ended the career of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and made a mark in history. The film centers on the ITV interview conducted by Thatcher's old friend Brian Walden. This interview went down in history as a damaging interview that put the final point in Thatcher's loss of the prime minister's seat.

Among the main characters of the film, of course, are former Prime Minister Thatcher and journalist Brian Walden. The friendship between the two from the past adds a dramatic atmosphere to the tense atmosphere of this interview. The impact the film leaves on its viewers is quite significant. Viewers, while watching Thatcher's last moments and the behind the scenes of this important interview, are both making a journey into history and having the opportunity to get to know the events that brought the end of an era closely. The filming of the movie was carried out in England, where the events took place.