Miss Austen (2025)

A story narrating the tale of Cassandra, the sister of famous writer Jane Austen, who burned her letters.

Miss Austen narrates the story of Cassandra, the sister of the famous writer Jane Austen, who mysteriously burned her letters. Cassandra's action is considered a literary mystery and reveals the complicated story of love, jealousy, and disappointment between the sisters. Cassandra's character is as fascinating and complex as Austen's heroes. The movie investigates why Cassandra burned Jane's letters and how this action affected both her own life and Jane's legacy. The movie takes viewers behind the scenes of Austen's works and shows them how a writer's life and works can intermingle. Audience experiences with the movie have generally been positive, especially Austen fans have appreciated Cassandra's complex character and the movie's intriguing approach to Austen's works and life. The movie was filmed in the beautiful rural areas of England.