Temporary Guest (2025)


A drama film telling how a stranger who suddenly appeared at their door one night changed the lives of the families.

"Temporary Guest" handles an emotional story telling how an unexpected visitor changed a family's life. The film presents to the viewer how a stranger who suddenly appeared at their door one night turned the lives of the families upside down. Although the stranger is initially perceived as a threat, each member of the family establishes a different bond with him and explores their inner worlds, fears, and desires. The main characters of the film include family members and the mysterious stranger. While each of them tries to cope with their own life struggles and personal problems, they also try to analyze their relationship with the stranger. The film instills a deep sense of empathy in its audience while dealing with human relationships, family ties, and prejudices against strangers.

The film succeeds in leaving an impressive mark on the viewer. The depths of the characters and the universal theme of the story take the viewer on an emotional journey.

The film was shot in Safranbolu, famous for its historic houses and streets in Turkey.