The Leopard (2025)

The struggle for survival of an aristocratic family during the unification process of Italy in the 19th century.

"The Leopard", translated into Turkish as "Leopar", is a film that revolves around the survival struggle of an aristocratic family during the unification process of Italy in the 1860s. At its center is Don Fabrizio Corbera, the Prince of Salina. The Prince realizes that he needs to form new alliances to protect his family's future. He receives the most support from his nephew Tancredi during this process. However, Tancredi's plans to marry the Prince's daughter, Angelica, will break the heart of the family's other daughter, Concetta. This situation tests the Prince's principles and family ties. The film is adapted from the novel of the same name by Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa.

Audience experiences are generally positive. The film was praised for successfully reflecting the socio-political atmosphere of the time and the emotional conflicts of the characters. In addition, it was appreciated for revealing the rich historical and cultural texture of Italy of the period.

The film was shot in Sicily. Historical places in and around Palermo play an important role in the film.