Towards Zero (2025)

A murder is committed at a beach house where a tennis star, his ex-wife and a mixed group of guests come together.

"Towards Zero" tells the story of a tennis star, his ex-wife and guests with extreme personalities come together at a beach mansion after a scandalous divorce. However, this vacation turns into a scary situation with an unexpected murder. A troubled detective struggles to solve this complicated situation and reveal the truth. The film creates a continuous mystery about the characters' pasts, their complicated relationships and who committed the murder. Each of the characters has a separate secret that attracts the attention and curiosity of the audience.

The film leaves a tension and intrigue on the audience. The audience is constantly trying to guess the surprise turns of the story and the truth that will emerge as a result.

The film was shot in a seaside town with a charming seaside mansion, which is also the main setting of the story.